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Solarigo is a Finnish energy company specializing in large solar power projects. Since 2015, we have supplied our business customers with solar electricity and installed more than 280 local solar power plants. In the construction of solar parks, we operate in all phases, from project development to electricity sales. Since the foundation, Solarigo has followed two basic ideas, which we work towards every day: we want to be the most reliable solar power operator in Finland and a good place to work. We now have around 50 permanent solar electricity professionals in Pirkkala, Jyväskylä and Seinäjoki.


Solarigo's references speak for us. Our customer satisfaction is at the top, and we have delivered on our promises when working with many well-known Finnish and international companies.


Solarigo has built Finland's largest solar park several times, implemented the Ministry of Employment and the Economy's flagship energy project and numerous other pilot projects.


A significant part of our business is based on the PPA model, which makes us the largest seller of solar electricity in Finland. Based on solid expertise, we can act as a reliable partner for our customers with a deep understanding of the economics of solar electricity.

Finland's largest solar energy seller

Solarigo conducts a continuous dialogue with authorities and political institutions to promote sustainable social development from the perspective of solar power.


Solarigo is also active in the Auringosta Energiaa coalition. The coalition is an association of companies developing solar parks operating in Finland, which promotes the construction of solar parks.

A societal actor



The Finnish saying "a man of his word" is a matter of honor for us. We want to be a reliable partner for our customers.


Transparency and openness are operating models that can be seen in our everyday behavior. These principles also guide our customer relations.


Honesty always pays off. It is the basis of our sustainable customer relationships, which guarantees us a sustainable business foundation, good mood and quality night's sleep.




Solarigo is part of the Suur-Savon Sähkö group. The original owners of Solarigo Systems Oy are still involved in the expansion and internationalization of Solarigo.

Suur-Savon Sähkö

Suur-Savon Sähkö is a Finnish energy group that works to preserve local vitality.

Suur-Savon Sähkö's business activities include electricity distribution, heat business and electricity sales. In addition, new business operations have been opened in the field of intelligent maintenance and troubleshooting of electrical networks. Suur-Savon Sähkö owns the Kissakoski and Vaajakoski hydropower plants. In addition, the company owns electricity production elsewhere in Finland and in Sweden and Norway.



Antti Koskelainen

CEO, Co-Founder

Pekka Härkönen


Jukka Juola


Jukka Muilu



Janne Laine (PJ)

General Manager, Lumme Energia

Sami Kurunsaari

CEO, Lumme Energia

Ari Liikanen

Administrative Director, City of Mikkeli

Jukka Juola

Co-Founder, Solarigo

Jukka Muilu

Co-Founder, Solarigo


Open application

If we don't have a suitable position open for you, you can always leave an open application at

Solarigo monitors employees' health and commitment with recognized high-quality metrics. We use the workplace recommendation index eNPS and the PeoplePower® survey that measures employee engagement. Our latest, 2023 results:


eNPS - 73 (excellent)

PeoplePower® - AAA (Excellent)

A good place - measurably

Solarigo has succeeded particularly well in finding a balance between the employee's own responsibility and freedom. According to our personnel, we have succeeded well in maintaining the freedom to work regardless of time and place, which has been perceived as important. At the same time, we have been able to deliver the most important thing, which is to be the most reliable solar power operator in Finland for our customers.

Autonomy plays an important role

Electric bike

Mobile phone

Fruits at the offices

Performance bonus system

Occupational health at Terveystalo

Comprehensive health and accident insurance

Sport and culture benefit 300 € / year and lunch allowance

1h/week exercise opportunity during working hours

Employee benefits


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